PVRA Work Hours

Work hours requirement: 

Work hours are required in the following: 

  • 1 rider needs 24 work hours

  • 2 riders need 36 work hours 

  • 3 riders or more need 48 work hours (48 hours is max for each household application)

  • Work Hours Prepay Options for New and Renewal Riding Members: - $16/hour if paid by January 31- $18/hour thereafter.

  • You are not required to prepay work hours if you intend to volunteer throughout the year

  • No work hours are needed for social, short term, and affiliated memberships. 

Work hours policy: 

  • If you have joined as a Riding member AND did not pre-pay for work hours, you are responsible for monitoring your work hour account available on this page (scroll down). Work hours are updated monthly. 

  • Work hours can be logged in the Work Hours Logbook located at the door of the Show/Announcers building between the two front arenas. Remember to write it in the book by the entry booth at the time the hours are worked.  

  • Keep in mind that 40% of your work hours need to be logged by July 31st. If the required number of the work hours are not completed by 7/31, members will be billed for lack of work hours. 

  • Donating work hours to or on the behalf of a member?  See PVRA Bylaws Article V, #8 and 9 for additional information.

  • Attendance to the monthly General meeting qualifies for work hours in accordance with the Bylaws.

  • Work hours can also be logged when volunteering at the Association horse shows.  The show schedule can be found on the PVRA calendar.  Volunteering should be coordinated with the show managers.

  • If you cancel membership: To cancel an existing membership please e-mail membership@pvra.com or board@pvra.com. However, memberships are non-refundable. Cancellation will stop the accruals of work hours. If work hours are not up-to-date, the member will be responsible and be billed for the remainder of work hours. 

If you have any questions on how to perform work hours, reach out to board@pvra.com.

PVRA Work Hours 

Click on the Link Below to Download PDFs with Member Work Hours.  Member accounts are displayed by the first four letters of the last name.  Contact workhours@pvra.com for additional information.

Please visit Work Hour Opportunities to apply for work hours


Last Updated 03/19/2025