
  • Sherry Sheldon Gibson

    has been teaching horseback riding and polo lessons for more than 30 years. Her specialty is western/gymkhana along with polo to adults and children. She is the Poway Polo Club Interscholastic Coach and Instructor. Whether you have your own horse or need one of her lesson horses, Sherry can get you on the path of riding or playing polo.
    (619) 972-5855

  • Shelley Kincaid

    Specialties: Lead Pony Club Instructor, USPC National Examiner.
    (858) 344-0213

    Click for

  • Susan Harris

    I train students for polo and general horsemanship. This photo is from my recent trip to play polo in Morocco at the Marrakech Polo Club. My website is I can be reached by phone, text or email, I have been teaching horseback riding and polo for about 18 years. I have 9 friendly horses that can provide many learning experiences.
    (858) 254 6773

  • Mikey Harchol

    M bar R Training Center- Mikey Harchol
    Independent Instructor/ Training Center
    Beginner-Advanced Riding Instruction
    Western, English, Specializing in Paints/ Pintos and Show Horses(858) 382-6170

  • Sarah Pinney

    Sarah Pinney

    (760) 214-1379‬
    Sarah, a professional horse trainer in San Diego since the 80's ( specializes in teaching Working Equitation and has immersed herself in the sport since its arrival in San Diego. She is a USAWE "r" Judge, A USAWE Licensed Technical Delegate, and a USAWE Professional Instructor Candidate. She loves to share her enthusiasm and knowledge of this sport! In addition, she is a USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist, a USDF "L" Graduate "with Distinction", and she holds countless Championships and wins in many riding disciplines up to the National Level. With decades of learning from Portuguese Classical Dressage Masters, she blends her classical dressage roots into this wonderful sport of Working Equitation.