PVRA Membership Application Types and Process
What type of membership should I apply for?
Riding membership: Riding Membership shall be open to anyone, either a minor (under age 18) or adult (age 18 or older), interested in any type of equestrian riding activity. Additional members may be added if they live in the same household. See PVRA Bylaws Section B for specific detail on additional members. Work hours required, please see Work Hours for more information.
Social membership: Social Membership shall be open to individuals otherwise eligible for Riding Membership who do not make use of the Association's riding facilities. Our liability insurance does not allow for a parent/guardian to handle the minor’s horse(s) while at the facility. If a parent will be assisting a minor in the handling of the horse(s), PVRA requires you (parent/guardian) to join as a “Social” member for insurance coverage. This will allow you to assist (load, unload, leading, tacking, etc.), but does not allow you to mount or ride the horse. Work Hours are not required.
Short term membership: Short Term Riding Membership shall be open to anyone, either a minor (under age 18) or adult (age 18 or older) for a period of three (3) consecutive months. Household members are not included in this membership type. Work Hours are not required.
Please follow the steps to RENEW or apply for a NEW PVRA membership:
1. Complete this form for 2025 Membership Application. If you would prefer to complete the Membership Application on paper please print out and complete
2. Complete your Liability Waiver and send it in to membership@pvra.com. Every member is required to complete a membership application and liability waiver annually.
3. Choose your payment method from three options. Please see the PVRA Payment page for fee structure.
Application process: applicants will be approved for membership upon submission of completed membership application, liability waiver, payment of initiation fee and dues, and upon approval by the Board of Directors. If, for any reason, an individual is denied membership, all monies that were paid shall be refunded. (PVRA Bylaws)
Any questions please contact: membership@pvra.com.
All renewal payments are due by 2/15. Late payments (after 2/15) are charged with an additional 25% late fee. All memberships are non-refundable.
After you join PVRA:
To fully enjoy your membership, we encourage the following: Please familiarize yourself with the Association Bylaws and Operating rules available under Association Documents, which includes policy on guests.
Look for the Horse Tales page. In it you will find news about club activities, the treasurer's report, minutes from previous month’s meeting. All PVRA members are invited to attend club activities and monthly general meetings published on the calendar page.
If you need to cancel membership:
To cancel an existing membership please e-mail membership@pvra.com or board@pvra.com. However, memberships are non-refundable. Cancellation will stop the accrual of work hours. If work hours are not up-to-date, the member will be responsible and be billed for the remainder of their work hours.